Milan Ivanović

Milan Ivanović

Hello, I am Milan, and I am WordPress addict 🙂

I come from Serbia, where I am one of the organizers of the Belgrade WordPress Meetup group, also, have organized WordCamp Belgrade 2015 and 2016, was a lecturer in WP Academy in Belgrade and overall WordPress evangelist in Serbia and the Ex-YU region.

This year I was one of the organizers of the WordCamp Europe and going to be organizing the next in Paris, as well.

I work at Devana Technologies, company behind ManageWP as a Web developer. My story will touch a lot of people because our business was depending on the WordPress installation and the current theme, and in about a year period we carefully led all our clients into an entirely redesigned experience, and as it turns out, everyone is super happy, and I still have my job 🙂

My talk won’t be a company sponsored talk; this is my story on how we pulled off theme switch and how we got rid of lots of unnecessary / legacy code and how we improved and what we learned.
